Thomas Broadbent "Nesting Season"

Available Works by Thomas Broadbent from solo exhibition of new paintings by the artist. Broadbent’s philosophical compositions depict animals amongst the everyday trappings of humanity. These paintings, in a well structured world of man-made artifice, reference the underlying impulses of nature.

"Minerva" SOLD

"Minerva" SOLD


30”x22” watercolor on paper
signed on reverse
$3,450.00 framed (presented in a shadowbox frame)

Thomas Broadbent has shown extensively throughout the U.S. as well as internationally. Broadbent’s work won the Pulse Prize for best solo booth at Pulse Art Fair. His work was subsequently featured in “Mission to Space” at the Children’s Art Museum in Manhattan. His nine-foot long “Lunar Mosaic” painting hangs in the American Consolate building in Moscow. His work is in the permanent collection of the National Museum of Wildlife Art. Broadbent’s numerous solo exhibitions include the Visual Art’s Center of New Jersey, Croxhapox Gallery (Gent, Belgium) Voorkamer Gallery (Lier, Belgium) Inspace gallery (Beijing, China) and the Newark Arts Council. Broadbent’s work has been reviewed in The New York Times, The New Jersey Star-Ledger, NY Arts, The Brooklyn Rail and numerous other publications.

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