

"The HTMLgardeness - Sowing HTML but Harvesting AI"
Ursula Endlicher

AUGMENTED REALITY Walk to three trees in Hudson ALONG WARREN ST

July 20th at 2PM and 4PM
tour check in at front room gallery
205 Warren Street, Hudson, NY 12534

"The HTMLgardeness - Sowing HTML but Harvesting AI" is a series of Augmented Reality walks created by Ursula Endlicher, inviting visitors to take a stroll to a variety of trees in different NY neighborhoods. By scanning the bark of a tree – a "natural QR-Code" – tree-inspired and otherwise hidden dances of the HTMLgardeness (the character is played by the artist) are revealed. This simultaneously playful and critical series reflects on climate and systems, code and fragility, while offering Al-generated harvest. 

For the event "The HTMLgardeness - Sowing HTML but Harvesting AI" walking tour with Ursula Endlicher” on July 20th at 2PM and 4PM guests are invited to join an approx. 30 minute outdoor stroll to visit three trees (and unlock their inner digital lives) located on Warren Street in Hudson.

With smart phone and WebAR in hand, visitors will locate the HTMLgardeness' trees, portals and tree-inspired AR dances, while sampling tree-specific drinks and snacks. The augmented trees continue to be active and can be visited also after the event using the artist's WebAR "bARk" at

URSULA ENDLICHER is a new media and interdisciplinary artist working with interactive media and the Internet since the early 1990s. She investigates structural components and interfaces of digital and “natural” networks and creates works in contrasting formats including net art, augmented reality, installation, performance, environmental works, and dinners – often a combination thereof. In her works humans and more-than-humans, machines and nature, are inspired by each other’s behavior – often in humorous ways – and create new forms and “worlds” in between.  Her work is part of the artport collection of the Whitney Museum of American Art, and the Ursula Blickle Video Archive at the Belvedere, Vienna. She has exhibited and performed internationally in museums, galleries and venues such as Chronus Art Center, Shanghai; Haus der Elektronischen Künste, Basel; Transmediale, Berlin; SIGGRAPH Asia, Yokohama; WUK, Vienna; Eyebeam, New York; and Harvestworks, New York.