Creation | Creativity , a show about mothers
curated by Stephen Mallon
May 1-30, 2021
featuring works by Sandra Bacchi, Lesly Deschler Canossi, Jen Georgescu, Shari Diamond, Hillerbrand+Magsamen, Cappy Hotchkiss, Rachel Hulin,Flynn Larsen, Brittany Marcoux, Mikaela Martin, Jennifer McClure, and Agnieszka Sosnowska.
Mothers nourish and protect, guide and defend. The love from a mother is precious leaving some thankful, some envious and deprived. The bond to the mother can be unbreakable for some and thin and vulnerable for others. This is a collection of work celebrating strength, love, loss, responsibility and irony of motherhood. Works by Sandra Bacchi, Lesly Deschler Canossi, Jen Georgescu, Shari Diamond, Hillerbrand+Magsamen, Cappy Hotchkiss, Rachel Hulin,Flynn Larsen, Brittany Marcoux, Mikaela Martin, Jennifer McClure, and Agnieszka Sosnowska.
This exhibition explores topics of beauty and love, loss and responsibility.
Curator’s statement-
“I got the desire to curate the show after reviewing portfolios at CPW a couple of years ago. I fell in love with some of the work of the photographers who were parents. Instead of just giving them some referrals of where to show the work I decided I wanted to show it myself. This is my second curatorial project and it is rewarding in a very refreshing manner for me. I am honored to have this group of talented artists together and I thank them for being a part of this exhibition! To all of the mothers exhibited and honored in this show- Thank you.” - Stephen Mallon